NY Air National Guard's 109th Airlift Wing mounting critical resupply mission in Greenland

July 23, 2020
Jaclyn Lyons | New York National Guard

STRATTON AIR NATIONAL GUARD BASE, N.Y. -- The 109th Airlift Wing will launch a three-week mission to carry critical supplies to Summit Station, the only year-round science station that operates on the Greenland ice cap on August 4th.

Three LC-130 Skibirds, supported by 20 aircrew members and 40 maintenance Airmen from Stratton Air National Guard Base in Scotia, New York, will be delivering 280,000 pounds of fuel, around 40,000 gallons, and 30,000 pounds of food and other supplies in the shortened three week season.

Summit Station is operated by CH2MHill Polar Services for the National Science Foundation’s (NSF) Arctic Research Program and hosts scientists conducting climate and other research.

It is the only high altitude, high latitude, inland, year‐round observing station in the arctic, according to the NSF. The station will house five personnel throughout the winter.