Science Coordination Office (SCO)

The Science Coordination Office (SCO) provides input from the science community working on the Greenland Ice Sheet in discussions and decision making processes involving the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF), its primary Arctic logistics support contractor (Battelle Arctic Research Operations (ARO)), and other stakeholders. The SCO also works with NSF, Battelle ARO, and science teams to work out equitable and efficient use of resources, and strives to ensure that the wide range of science and support activities impact the pristine character of Summit Station as lightly as possible.

The SCO recognizes that logistics costs in Greenland are high, and that ultimately dollars spent on logistics are not available for direct support of science and scientists. The SCO strives to ensure that operation, and especially upgrades, of the facilities at Summit Station are always cognizant of the science mission.

With support by NSF's Arctic Research Support and Logistics (RSL) Program, the SCO works with Battelle ARO to discuss anticipated logistical impacts of proposed new research projects and participates in discussions between Battelle ARO and PI teams as project plans are developed for each group deploying to field sites in central Greenland. The SCO is an active member of the Long Range Planning group tasked with redeveloping Summit Station. At present the primary focus of SCO remains on Summit Station, as the Greenland Environmental Observatory at Summit (GEOSummit) is still the focus of most science projects in central Greenland.

The SCO needs input from current and potential new members of the Greenland research community regarding emerging research questions and the logistical support needed to address them. Please let the SCO know what you are considering.



To contact everyone in the SCO, use the following email:

Zoe Courville

Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory
Hanover, NH USA

ph: 603-646-4425

Jack Dibb

University of New Hampshire
Durham, NH USA

ph: 603-862-3063

Bob Hawley

Dartmouth College
Hanover, NH USA

ph: 603-646-1425

Von Walden

Washington State University
Pullman, WA USA

ph: 509-335-5645