Over the coming decades, Summit-Isi Station provides a unique capability to measure, monitor, and understand global climate change. Summit-Isi is the only high altitude, high latitude, inland, year-round monitoring station in the Arctic. Summit-Isi offers immediate access to the free troposphere and is relatively free of local influences that could corrupt climate records.
GEOSummit 2014 Meeting Archive and Summary
Summit Science Coordination Office (SCO)
The notes and presentations are now available from the GEOSummit 2014 Meeting held on January 31, 2014, at the Goddard Space Flight Center.
GEOSummit 2014 Meeting Announcement
Summit Science Coordination Office (SCO)
The Greenland Summit’s Science Coordination Office invites you to take part in the 2014 GEOSummit meeting, to be held at the Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) following the NASA IceBridge and PARCA Meetings.
Summit Developments Fall 2013
Summit Science Coordination Office (SCO)
An update from the Summit Science Coordination Office regarding Summit Station developments and the new Isi Station, renewable energy projects, and development of a GrIT science traverse facility.
NASA’s GROVER rover takes Greenland by storm
Summit Science Coordination Office (SCO)
The latest VIP visitor to Summit Station is an 800 lb, 6 ft tall (with solar panels) autonomous rover named GROVER, an acronym which serves double-duty standing for both “Greenland Rover” and “Goddard Remotely Operated Vehicle for Exploration and Research.”
Vancouver GEOSummit Meeting in May Postponed
Summit Science Coordination Office (SCO)
Due to a lack of participants who can attend the meeting planned in Vancouver for May, the GEOSummit meeting has been postponed. Currently, we are exploring options for a fall meeting in the Washington D.C. area.
New study shows clouds will be important in region’s future
Summit Science Coordination Office (SCO)
A new study shows that thin, low Arctic clouds played an important role in the massive 2012 Greenland ice melt.
2013 GEOSummit Meeting Announcement
Summit Science Coordination Office (SCO)
The 2013 GEOSummit Meeting will be held on Friday, May 3, in Vancouver, BC, Canada (in conjunction with the 2013 Arctic Observing Summit hosted by the International Study of Arctic Change).
Summit Developments Fall 2012
Summit Science Coordination Office (SCO)
An update from the Summit Science Coordination Office regarding plans for the 2013 GEOSummit Meeting, record melt observed at Summit Station in mid-July, and completion of the Big House kitchen remodel.